Found 3 result(s)

30.01.2020 (Thursday)

Non-Hermitian extension of the Standard Model

Regular Seminar Jean Alexandre (King's College)

14:00 QMW
room G O Jones 610

The work presented here explores the possibility of introducing non-Hermitian scalar and fermion mass terms, in addition to the usual Hermitian ones. The consistency of the resulting description requires a reworking of all the fundamental properties in Field Theory from the beginning, which is challenging but appears to be possible.

19.11.2019 (Tuesday)

Making sense of a non-Hermitian Lagrangian in Field Theory

Regular Seminar Jean Alexandre (King's)

15:00 City U.
room B104

Motivated by extending the parameter space of the Standard Model of Particle Physics, I will describe how to understand the effects of an imaginary mixing mass term in a non-Hermitian but PT-symmetric extension of scalar QED. The classical theory is already not trivial, and requires a new interpretation of the equations of motion, Noether's theorem and gauge invariance. The path integral can be defined with appropriate field variables, and a consistent picture emerges, opening the way for potential alternative descriptions of the Higgs sector.

26.11.2008 (Wednesday)

Non-perturbative conformal invariance for time-dependent string backgrounds

Regular Seminar Jean Alexandre (King's College)

14:00 IC
room H503

A specific configuration of the bosonic string is discussed, in time-dependent backgrounds, which satisfies Weyl invariance to all orders in the alpha'-expansion. Conformal invariance, valid in any space time dimension, is based on the homogeneity (in time) of the Weyl-beta functions which, using field redefinitions, can be made to vanish.